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Family Walking in a Field

Personalized Care for Better Psychotherapy and Eating Disorder Treatment

Personalized Care for Better Psychotherapy and Eating Disorder Treatment

Personalized Care for Better Psychotherapy and Eating Disorder Treatment


Experienced and Trusted Counseling and Therapy Services

Anxiety Treatment | Depression Treatment | Food Counseling and Eating Disorder Treatment | Self-Esteem Counseling | Self-Harm Counseling | Trauma Counseling | Grief Counseling | Workaholic Counseling | Faith-Supportive Counseling | OCD Treatment | Transition Counseling | High-Performance Counseling (Perfectionism Treatment)

* Experienced Eating Disorder Treatment and Therapy for Women and Men; Including Teens, Adults, and Older Adults:

Eating Disorder Treatment for Women

Eating Disorder Treatment for Men



Self Esteem











Allium Counseling

Today’s Counseling for Better Therapy and More Sustainable Results

The allium flower, which is native to Illinois, symbolizes protection, patience and grace. At Allium Counseling we believe in providing compassionate, evidence-based, and relationship-oriented care to all of our clients. At Allium Counseling, we provide individualized services based on your unique needs. While we offer traditional counseling sessions, we also offer behavioral and experiential therapies for a more action-oriented approach toward change.

Counseling Service




Woman Smiling


More About Your Highly-Qualified Professionals at Allium Counseling

The allium flower, which is native to Illinois, symbolizes protection, patience and grace. At Allium Counseling we believe in providing compassionate, evidence-based, and relationship-oriented care to all of our clients.

Eating Disorder Treatment

Fear of Gaining Weight, Overeating, Undereating, Binge Eating, Preoccupation with Food, Preoccupation with Weight, Preoccupation with Body Image, Rigid Rules Around Eating, Picky Eating, Self-Induced Vomiting, Stalled Growth Curve, Sudden Changes Growth Curve, Sudden Interest in Dieting, Over-Interest in Dieting, Diet Cycling, Laxative Misuse and Abuse, Over Exercising, Improper Nutrition for Sports, Uncontrolled Snacking, Emotional Eating, Body Image Comparisons, Unhealthy Relationship with Food, Unbalanced Eating, Out of Control Eating, Body Dysmorphia, Secret Eating, Night Eating Syndrome, Difficulty Accepting Bodily Changes, Shame Around Eating, Shame Around Body Image, Idealizing Thinness

Anxiety Treatment

Perfectionism, Panic Attacks, Excessive Worrying, Not living in the moment, Avoiding Responsibility, Social Anxiety, Avoiding Social Situations, Isolation, Problematic Avoidance, Overanalyzing, Busy Mind, Excessive Concern About Others’ Opinions, Low Confidence, Self-Doubt, Impending Doom Syndrome, Overcommitting, Undercommitting, Fear of Failure, Never Good Enough, Numbing Emotions, Low Self Confidence, Hindered Performance, Inability to Relax, Problems Sleeping, Heart Racing, Feeling Tense

Depression Treatment

Low mood, Extreme sadness, Decreased Pleasure, Suicidal Thoughts, Self-Harm, Extreme Guilt, Self-Blame, Negative Self-Talk, Excessive Sleeping, Diffuculty Sleeping, Lethargy, Social Isolation, Hopelessness, Self-Deprecation, Low self-esteem, Loneliness, Low motivation, Apathy, Avoiding People, Masking Sadness, Feeling Empty, Feeling Alone, Wanting to die, Persistent Sadness, Dysthymia

Self-Esteem Counseling (Body Image)

Poor self-esteem, Body Image Distress, Body Shame, Body Hate, Body Comparing, Appearance Fixing, Body Checking, Body Avoidance, Wearing Baggy Clothes, Hiding Physical Appearance, Fear of Being Fat, Low self-acceptance, Criticing Your Appearance, Hating Photos of Yourself, Avoiding Photos of Yourself, Scrutinizing Photos of Yourself, Preoccupation with Plastic Surgery, Over-reliance on Plastic Surgery

OCD Treatment

Intrusive Thoughts, Compulsive Behaviors, Excessive Checking, Fear of Contamination, Extreme Rule-Based Behaviors, Time-Consuming Rituals, Pure Obsessions, Difficulties with Sudden Change, Over-Planning, Inability to Change Patterns, Reassurance Seeking

Food Counseling (Picky Eating)

Sensory Sensitivity, Low interest in Food, Fear of Fullness, Fear of Vomiting, Limited Diet, Stunted Growth, Fear of GI discomfort, Fear of choking, Infrequent Eating, Underweight, Unbalanced Diet, Fear of New Foods, Food Anxiety

Teen Counseling

Social media addiction, Peer Pressure, Academic Stress, School Stress, Dealing with Competition, Social Pressures, Family Conflict, Friend Group Changes, Identity Development

Self-Harm Counseling

Cutting, Non-suicidal self-injury, Self-punishment, Self-injury, Self-hate, Self-disgust, Guilt and shame

Workaholic Counseling (Burnt Out)

Unbalanced Lifestyle, Work addiction, Job dissatisfaction, Career dissatisfaction, Work Stress, Work identity counseling, Career support, Work-Life Balance

Transition Counseling

Counseling for College Students, Young Adult Counseling, Teen Counseling, Teen Therapy, Adolescent Counseling, Counseling for High School Students, Therapy for High School Students,  Therapy for College Students, Therapy for Young Adults, Career Transitions, Relationship changes, Building Independence

High-Performance Counseling

Counseling for High Achievers, Counseling for Perfectionists, Overperformers, Fear of Not Measuring Up, Highly Competitive, Inner Critic, Executives, Managers, Business Leaders, Vision Building, Goal Setting, Self-compassion, Finding Balance

Relationship Counseling

Communication Skills, Boundary Setting, Pre-maritial Counseling, Couples Counseling, Marriage Counseling, Social Anxiety, Trust Issues, Money Management, Blended Families, Substance Abuse


Support for Parents, Parents of Kids/Teens with Eating Disorders, Parents of Kids/Teens with Depression, Parents of Kids/Teens with Anxiety, Parents of Kids/Teens in Mental Health Treatment, Strong-willed Child, Boundary Setting, Substance Abuse, Eating Disorders with Children, Life Transitions – Teenager, College

Faith-Supportive Counseling

Christian Therapist, Faith Affirming

Holding Hands

“All of us, at some time or other, need help. Whether we’re giving or receiving help, each one of us has something valuable to bring to this world.”